Several Virginia city and county police stations have opened their lobbies and parking lots to citizens conducting exchanges arranged on sites such as Craigslist. Most recently, the Stafford and Petersburg County Sheriffs' Offices, as well as the cities of Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg have joined the more than 200 law enforcement agencies across the country offering this service. To see if your local police department is on the list, click here. If not, contact them and ask, or refer them to
Brownsville police are using their headquarters and two community centers as safe zones to decrease the chances of citizens' getting ripped off. The station's parking lot at 425 West Main Street is available to citizens' use for internet-based exchanges. Smith County commissioners recently voted to add two more safety zones in the county, offering citizens a safe place to make quick, one-time exchanges.The new safe zones are a continuation of what Precinct 2 Constable Andy Dunklin began offering at his office, at 15405 Highway 155 South in Noonday in April. Specially designed signs are on the 10-minute parking poles right in front of the station, with security cameras right behind the signs. The Calgary Police Service is offering the parking lots of its district offices as safe places for people to exchange items they've bought online for money The Springettsbury Township police department has set up "safe zones" at the police station where people can meet to complete sales that they have set up on websites such as Craigslist or Facebook. The public is welcome to use the police department's lobby or designated spaces in the parking lot to complete the exchange of items and money. The lobby is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the parking lot and lobby have 24-hour video surveillance.
The Madison, County Police Department, located at 100 Hughes Road in City Hall, allows citizens to safely finalize a sale or purchase of items from Craigslist. The lobby of Madison Police Department is open 24 hours each day.
Officers are encouraging residents to use the police department’s parking lot, located at 400 Enon Springs Road East. Other Middle Tennessee police departments are also doing the same. Earlier this year, the city of Gallatin designated their parking lot. Officers in Mt. Juliet and Murfreesboro also encourage residents to use the police department parking lots to complete online transactions. |
July 2017