The Darien Police Department is offering up its parking lot as a safe place to exchange goods bought and sold on Craigslist, Facebook, eBay and other online sites. Starting today, citizens who are purchasing or selling something to a stranger online can meet up in the police department parking lot to conduct their business.
They have added a dedicated area in their public parking lot at 25 Hecker Ave Darien, CT for on‐line buyers and sellers to meet and make the exchanges. The designated safe “Internet Purchase Exchange Location” is in the parking lot on the south side of the building and is marked with a newly installed sign. This area is monitored 24 hours a day by video surveillance and is recorded.
A growing number of police departments in Connecticut are using their properties to provide a safe place for residents who buy and sell products on the internet. Guilford, Hartford, Waterford and Montville are among the Connecticut police departments offering their parking lots or lobbies as safe exchange areas.. Read the full story here.
Online purchases and swaps are a popular way to shop and exchange goods. In recognition of some safety concerns Chief Lee has established a Safe Exchange Zone in the front parking lot to meet and exchange these items. The police station property is covered by 24 hour surveillance and the station is staffed 24 hours a day as well.
Individuals conducting an internet sales transaction are welcome to meet in the West Hartford Police Department, CT parking lot to ensure their personal safety.
“It’s on camera, it’s right outside the police station, there are plenty of people around,” West Hartford Police Lt. Ted Stoneburner said. The parking lot, located on the south side of the police station at 103 Raymond Rd. (on left when facing the building) is under 24-hour surveillance. Transactions should be conducted outside, not in the lobby of the station, he added. |
July 2017